The benefits of SRS Frigadon Chillers
Frigadon has developed a range of totally environmentally friendly packaged air cooled chillers using natural HC hydrocarbon refrigerants R1270 & R290.
Frigadon hydrocarbon chilllers provide high performance, low energy refrigeration and freezing maximising energy efficiency and minimising climatic impact. With many uncertainties surrounding refrigerant gases (F-gas Regulations) and their effects on the environment, our chiller technology with hydrocarbon primary refrigerants is a viable means of future proofing your cooling requirements.
All Frigadon chillers are equipped with the following as standard:
- A control panel incorporating all necessary electrical equipment for control of the chiller, including digital chiller controller with operator’s panel, safety equipment etc.
- All necessary hydronic equipment such as Circulation pumps, Strainers, Flow-switch, Pressure-gauge etc.
- For the smaller system, a Frigadon chiller is a complete packaged system with no extra equipment needed.
Only power supply and simple flow and return pipes needed. All units are weather protected and can be sited outdoors in temperatures between -20°C and +38°C, for temperatures outside this range please contact Frigadon for special models. Units come with the latest micro processor control systems where the 2, 3, 4 and 5 circuit systems have automatic run time equalisation between compressors and the 3, 4 and 5 circuit system controllers have the possibility for ”BMS” communication. Pumps are Grundfos inverter driven units, available in stainless steel for compatibility with Hycool fluids. Our chillers also incorporate our Pump Energy Optimisation (PEO) system to reduce pump energy input.
Benefits Include:
- Increased efficiency
- Improved COP
- Zero global warming potential
- Lower energy consumption
- Not subject to phase out controls or F-Gas Regulations
- Reduced primary refrigerant charges
- EC condenser fans
- Latest HC built-in health & safety package
- Fully tested and factory certified
Available in both painted finish to customer spec or in full Stainless Steel Chassis for use with Hycool Fluids.Optimisation (PEO) system to reduce pump energy input.
Related Links:
Easy access for service and maintenance
Units can be produced in Air Cooled or Liquid Cooled Variants
All units incorporate our unique Hydrocarbon Safety Package
17 Years of R1270
Frigadon has for more than 17 years supplied the market with environmentally friendly hydrocarbon chillers using R1270.
By using natural hydrocarbon refrigerants we offer a long term sustainable solution for any refrigeration system environment. Numerous reference installations exists (In the UK, Ireland and Overseas) with high profile companies such as: Sainsbury’s, COOP Bank, British Land, Cooplands Bakery, Nestlè, Dunnes Stores, Braehead Foods, BP, Welcome Break Motorway Services, ASDA Walmart, Roche Pharmaceuticals (Ireland and Germany), Mega ACT6 Alternative Energy Group (USA)

Packaged units with a complete specification
Never before has it been so easy to install and commission a products have the best possible performance. All products are chiller. All units come with complete controls and electrics as factory tested before delivery.
Modern testing facilities
Frigadon has all the latest testing equipment to ensure that it’s well as a built-in hydraulic kit with inverter drive circulation pump (separate pumping stations can be ordered). Just connect the power supply and the flow / return pipes on the brine side and you are ready to go.

Case Study
John Williams Potato Storage
New York State, USA
SRS Frigadon FWC 3000-TC Twin Condenser 520kW chiller
8000ltr HYCOOL heat transfer fluids
+GF +ABS pipe work